2 Young Skaters Mesmerize The Audience With ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ Performance

When it comes to sports, we really have many different options available and more than likely, we even have a favorite. When that sport is on television, we probably are sitting in front of it and watching every moment. There is just something about the action associated with sporting events and the sheer professionalism of those who take part in it. This is true of everything from football to baseball, wrestling and even archery. One particular sporting event that many people come to appreciate, however, is figure skating.

There is perhaps no sport that is more beautiful, choreographed and mesmerizing than figure skating. It seems as if they are able to glide over the ice and sometimes, it is almost as if they are not even touching it. That is true of these two young girls, Runa Maeda and Taryn Jurgensen. When they took to the ice on this particular day, the crowd was likely expecting a good show but they had no idea what they were in for. In fact, the entire performance was mesmerizing from the very beginning until the end and it really shows you what is possible when someone is talented and takes the time to develop that talent.

The real performance started when the music began. It was an old classic that was covered by another performer, Bridge over Troubled Water. This song is enough to give anybody goosebumps but when you pair it with a figure skating performance such as this, it is going to leave an impression on your mind for quite some time. The girls are moving in perfect unison across the ice and it is something that is fantastic to see.

Many of us would expect an older figure skater to be able to put on a performance such as this. We recognize the fact that it is not something that comes naturally. Yes, they may have a certain amount of natural talent available to them but it is only after years of practice, sometimes seven days a week, that they are able to develop this skill to the extent where they can perform in front of an audience.

It is not only the fact that a single skater is able to do this but when you put two skaters together and they work in unison, it is something wonderful to see. To a certain extent, they may be able to work together without ever actually coming in contact with each other but you can guarantee that these two girls have practiced behind-the-scenes in order to get everything absolutely perfect. You are not going to find a pair of figure skaters that are better suited for each other.

Watching the girls glide across the ice is almost enough to make you lose yourself in thought. It is when they hit the one minute mark, however, that they execute a double spin that shows their talent to the extreme. It was perfectly choreographed into the performance and when they are able to do it, it absolutely takes your breath away.

Another move that is wonderful is the leg extension that happens at around the two minute mark. The younger skater is performing this move but then the taller skater comes over, scoops her up and they begin to spin across the ice. They do it without any hesitation, which also proves something else about figure skaters that many of us tend to overlook.

It is not only the fact that figure skaters have talent but they also need to trust each other implicitly. Have you ever done a trust exercise? It is a type of exercise where you stand with your back to somebody and you fall backward, trusting the fact that they are going to catch you. If you have never done this before, it is something that is extremely difficult to do.

These two girls, however, have the ultimate amount of trust in each other. Regardless of whether they are skating 20 feet apart or if they are doing the move next to each other, they are able to move without hesitation because they already know exactly what is going to be done by the other party.

Figure skating is always going to be a favorite sport. Regardless of whether it is a national championship, an international championship or even the Olympics, it is a sport that will continue to transport us to another place because of its beauty and elegance.

You can watch the entire figure skating performance in this video: