Dad Photoshops Baby Into Dangerous Situations With Hilarious Results

Every child is different from other children and they often display those differences in very special ways. For the little boy in this photoshoot, he was born nine weeks premature and was only 3 pounds at birth. For six weeks, he was in the NICU and it seemed as if his parents were never going to get the opportunity to bring him home. They had taken pictures of their daughter a few years earlier when she was born and they wanted to do the same for Ryan. They began joking that he wasn’t premature, he was ‘advanced’ so they decided to take pictures of him doing some adult, manly things.

It took up to 20 minutes for each shot to take place. The majority of it is in the setup of editing but there were also props needed for each of the pictures. They then had to frame the shot, set up the scene, arrange everything, get the proper lighting and in some cases, everything was very elaborate. His wife helped by holding the baby so that his arms and legs were in particular positions and were holding the things that needed to be held. After the pictures were taken of Ryan, then additional shots were taken to include anything that he wasn’t actually able to hold.

A good example is an ax that little Ryan is swinging in one of the pictures or the fish that is on the fishing line. Hundreds of photos would be taken for each photo shoot and they would have to choose the best of the best. Photoshop would then be used to remove any unwanted additions from the pictures and everything was combined.

When people saw these pictures, they absolutely fell in love with them. Unfortunately, it eventually came to an end because Ryan got older and people were rather disappointed. Then again, there were also some who were afraid for Ryan and his safety. Even though he would explain how the danger was all Photoshop, people still couldn’t seem to get it.

You can see the best pictures of Baby Ryan below:

Time for a shave

Mowing the lawn

Blowing the leaf blower

Time for some poker

Chopping the wood

First fish

Time to fix the Prius

Carving the turkey

You have to earn a paycheck

Maxing the bench press

Pumping more iron

Baby Ryan is six months old and is on the growth chart!