The age of COVID-19 has changed our lives in ways we never imagined. What seemed at first to be some precautionary measures (wear a face mask when you’re out, stay home for a while, etc…) are looking like they’re going to be our new reality that isn’t changing anytime in the very near future. Most of us have adjusted and we will continue to do so, but perhaps few people have had it harder than children. Can you imagine being a child and having to stay indoors all the time? There are kids who haven’t seen their friends, teachers, extended family members, and grandparents for months. They’re the COVID generation.
I don’t have little kids anymore, but apparently there’s a pressing question that’s already coming up in many households: “With lockdowns and border closures and all of the other crazy stuff that’s going on, how will Santa deliver our presents on Christmas morning?” In other words, if they can’t go to school even, how in the world are Santa and his elves still working? After all, it’s not like elves can work at home, right? And Santa can certainly deliver gift cards to our email inboxes or via snail mail, but presents down the chimney? Will he wear a mask when he comes in our house?
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And isn’t Santa pretty old? Old people are at increased risk of getting coronavirus. A Reddit user has asked a valid question and as always, the internet delivered. Here is her question: “It’s more than likely that Covid-19 will still be around at Christmas time – how are we going to explain to kids that Santa is still allowed to go into millions of houses?” The question has become a hugely popular Reddit thread and there are more than 15,000 responses. Here are some of the best.
1. Ads and marketing to the rescue!
We will see ads with Santa wearing a facemask.
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2. Fewer presents, plus magic
Santa is magic. That being said the poor elves took a huge hit from the pandemic so there are less toys to go around this year. Strictly one per child or 2 between 3
3. The Elves will be “essential workers” and expendable
He’ll send the elves as they are expendable.
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4. Go To Bed
I think it would be a great excuse to get them to go to bed. Tell them he won’t come unless he knows everyone is shut away in their rooms so he won’t accidentally come within 2m of someone.
5. Contactless Delivery
He invented “contactless delivery”
6. Santa died of COVID
I’m sorry, but Santa didn’t survive the pandemic little one.
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7. Present Launcher
Most likely he’s simply using his orbital present launcher to shoot everyone’s gifts across the gulf of space into the appropriate spots in their homes.
8. How about the truth?
Is the truth an option here?
9. Santa is a Time Lord
Santa’s a Time Lord and he can’t get the diseases we do. The Time Lord argument also goes a long way to explaining to kids how he can do all the deliveries in one night and get into houses w/o chimneys.
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10. No more cookies and milk
Instead of leaving cookies and milk, you leave disinfectant wipes for him to wipe everything down when he’s done
11. No Explanation Needed
Kids are not going to ask any questions that might interfere with them getting presents. Kids are smart and keep their mouths shut.
12. This guy with a zillion answers
So many easy answers:
1) Santa practices social distancing. I mean, except for kissing the occasional mommy, he usually works alone.
2) Santa is magic; diseases don’t affect him.
3) Santa caught it in April and is all better now. There are excellent doctors in the North Pole.
4) Santa got the vaccination so he wouldn’t make anyone sick when he visits.
5) Rudolph’s nose emits ultraviolet light, so Santa gets sanitized each time he gets back in the sleigh.
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Crazy answers for “fun” parents:
6) Santa is already dead. He’s been a friendly zombie for centuries.
7) Santa signed a contract with Amazon to deliver all his presents this year.
8) Santa is a saint, so he can perform miracles. Miracle makers can’t stay sick.
9) Santa is a robot and robots don’t catch diseases.
Answer for mean, realistic, or boring parents:
10) Santa’s not real, so he doesn’t get sick.