We have many different talents that we may enjoy in life but perhaps the one talent that we don’t talk about very often is the ability to dance. Let’s face it, some of us dance like nobody’s watching and it’s a good thing that nobody is watching when we do it! Of course, just because we aren’t ready for Dancing with the Stars doesn’t necessarily mean that we aren’t able to enjoy ourselves when we are out on the dance floor. In addition, you don’t even have to get up and dance in order to enjoy it, because there are many talented people out there who are more than willing to do it for us. That is clearly seen when you watch some older movies, because the dancing is phenomenal.
There have been many dance scene mashup’s that we have watched online, and I would have to say that they are among some of my favorite Internet videos. It isn’t just the fact that we are getting a look back at some of the best dancing that has ever hit the silver screen, it’s just the fact that they are so much fun. After all, it’s difficult to watch a video like this and not want to get up and dance yourself! There is always somebody who is trying to take things to the next level, and that is what Michael Binder did. He loves old movies and he saw the opportunity to make a mashup that featured 100 movie dance scenes! When he put it with the music to ‘Uptown Funk’, he ended up with something that went viral instantly.
Originally, Binder tried to put 100 different dance scenes into the video. That is a rather lofty goal, and I have to admit, I would be the first in line if that video were ever to hit the Internet. What he did do is to put together 66 dance scenes and none of them were on the silver screen in a movie made after 1953.
Watching these men and women dance is absolutely incredible. People still have rhythm today, but there is nothing quite like watching an old movie in order to make you realize that dancing is universal. Watch it for yourself in the following video: