Golf Game Interrupted By Ducks Giving Chase To Alligator Down The Course

Monachopsis is a marvelous little-known word which describes the feeling most of us have from time to time whenever we experience the sensation of being out of place for reasons we can’t articulate. When this feeling overtakes us, we wonder if it’s just us or the world around us going a bit mad.

This must have been what this alligator was feeling as it marched across a huge empty golf course while being pursued by a gang of angry ducks. All this was happening y strange two-legged creatures in little white carts observed while holding up odd little black boxes.

It what sounds like the start of a bad joke, an alligator marched into the middle of a golf course during the second annual Christie’s Critters Invitational on the Champion Course at PGA National. And golfers looked on in sheer disbelief at what they saw.

Oh, yes. And did I mention the gator was being chased by ducks?

As if that wasn’t crazy enough, other ducks joined in the chase, angrily quacking at this poor confused reptile as he tried to go about his business.

Of course, it was a really slow-motion chase.

This time, the ducks proved that there is indeed strength in numbers since the bigger reptile never once tried to scare them away as it slowly retreated from the persuing fowl.

Check out the insane video below!