There is something about having little ones in your life that really makes it special. Although they may add many different joys to our lives, something that most of us come to appreciate is the fact that they are experiencing things in the world for the first time. We get to live vicariously through them and although we may have seen the things around us thousands of times in the past, it is as if we are seeing them brand-new through their eyes. As it turns out, this is not only true of little babies, it is also true of the animals in our lives and if you watch them carefully, you can experience those first moments right along with them.
When it comes to first moments, they may appear out of the blue or sometimes, they may even be anticipated or perhaps orchestrated. One thing is certain, the first moments in our lives are the most memorable and they provide us with something that we will never forget for as long as we live. Perhaps you can think back to some of the first moments that you had in your life, such as riding a bike without training wheels or being able to swim. These are awesome moments that stick with us for decades. It seems as if our cats also experience these first moments and as you are about to see, they are not only memorable, they are adorable.
1. Kittens meeting their new friend for the first time
2. A cat out in the snow for the first time
3. What happens when a man buys a new vacuum cleaner
4. Somebody didn’t tell the cat they had a baby
5. The first time this cat was ever outside
6. Seeing a Christmas tree for the first time
7. The first time this foster kitten sees the sun
8. First time in the snow
9. What happens when cats see a ceiling fan for the first time
10. This cat was only outside for five minutes
11. Seeing snow falling outside the window
12. The outside world is a scary place
13. He finally made it into the refrigerator
14. Becoming self-aware
Source: PawsPlanet