Cat And Fox Meet By Accident And Quickly Become Close Friends

Most of us have an animal in our home of some type or another. Dogs and cats tend to make up the largest portion of domesticated animals but we also have rabbits, ducks and even a hamster on occasion. Many animals can be domesticated but some tend to be wild, even if they are kept in the home. We realize that it is important to keep the wild and domesticated animals separated from each other and in their own habitat because things don’t always turn out well when they meet by accident.

As you are about to see, however, things don’t always turn out poorly when a wild animal meets a domesticated animal. This story is from Turkey when a fisherman saw something that was very strange. A wild fox and a stray cat were faced off against each other. He watched as the fox pinned the cat down to the ground and it looked as if there was no hope for the feline.

The fisherman was sure to keep his distance because he knew it was a difficult situation and he might end up injured if he got in the middle of it. He grabbed his camera and started snapping some pictures. At first, he was nervous because he thought the cat was going to be killed and he continued to take hundreds of pictures as it was taking place. Suddenly, he realized that the fight had been going on for quite some time and the cat was still standing.

When the fox opened his mouth, it looked as if the cat was a goner. When you think that Fox’s jaws are almost twice as strong as a cat’s jaws, there really isn’t a contest.

That is when he realized what was actually going on. He wasn’t witnessing a vicious fight, he was watching two animals playing with each other. The pictures turned out to be incredible and it seemed like something straight out of a movie. Those beautiful pictures were shared, allowing the entire world to see this exceedingly rare type of friendship.

You can see it happening for yourself in this video: